Glechoma hederaceae

Glechoma hederaceae
Creeping Charlie and his buddy Ms Crab Spider

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


 This is Yzzy starting her blog not knowing the first basic of how to do this. So please feel free to critique!! Seriously. Just be easy if you choose to. I am starting my blog about my year and a day with Creeping Charlie and i will be calling him simply Charlie most of the time. Don't know much about him but he's been calling to me since summer '09. He crawls up my porch steps evey summer and is so gorgeous. I will be looking at other folks posts to see exactly how to do this properly as i get the chance. But for now, this is Yzzy! :0)


  1. I am intrigued! Who is this creeping Charlie? Can you show us a picture please? I popped over after reading your comment about infusions. My ally is supposed to be toxic but I am still alive and kicking because I have listened to her call and trusted what I am hearing. Of course I don't suggest others do the same, Im weird like that. LOL Some things are more toxic than others.

    I look forward to reading about your adventures..
    Herbal Blessing xoxox

  2. lol. As soon as i figure out how to post a photo i will. I think i freaked out way too soon. He he. I tend to be way too overanalytical. Sorry. :D Creeping Charlie is Ground Ivy. Glechoma hederaceae. Anyway, the info I saw (and now I cant even remember whera i saw it) said to use caution because the herb can be toxic. I intend to start the infusion this afternoon. i shall post how goes it. :)

  3. Hey Lady -- and oh, don't want to leave out Charlie *Waves at Ground Ivy in his beauty!* Speaking of infusions, Susun Weed is STILL offering her FREE Nourishing Herbal Infusions course over at the Wise Woman Bookshop -- HELLO!! lol, normally priced at $95. Check it out, can't remember if you are there or not already, Yzzy!!!

    Link to apply:

    Reminder, don't kill yourself in the 'toxic' conditions; each herb has certain medicinal properties that the different part of the plant is used for in infusions, tinctures, extracts, etc. -- just because it may look delish, doesn't mean you can ingest it!!!

    ~Shamanic Winds )O(

  4. Hehe! Your doing a great job and thanks for the info. I am looking forward to following your journey with Charlie! Hugs xoxox
