Glechoma hederaceae

Glechoma hederaceae
Creeping Charlie and his buddy Ms Crab Spider

Friday, April 22, 2011

LOL at myself!!!

After I flipped out thinking I didnt have any more Charlies creeping round my yard, Springtide turned her lovely head a full "Exorsist"-like spin and I saw him everywhere. Laws a mercy!!! I had myself all confused and tore up when I strarted this about who and what Charlie was and now after  a week or so of sitting with him for all too brief intervals, I feel like a total Drama Mama.. :o) He's all over the yard and is coming back up after being mown down and harvested to death my me. I found a vine that was almost 2 feet long yesterday evening!! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Herbal Ally 2011 Challenge 2: Infusions

i was sooooooo disappointed that i was not able to finish my 9 Day Spring Tonic Fling with Charlie. :o( After day 2, I started having a really bad heart-burn-y, gas indigestion kind of pain in my center chest area. Since i never have those types of problerms, i was worried that it was a reaction from the tonic so i stopped taking the infusions. Too bad!! So instead, i have been trying to sketch Charlie in his home environment, along the front right of my house. Have yet to be satisfied with it tho so havent gotten any into my journal. Am i supposed to put my attempts into there, as well?? I've never been a journally kinda gal...)

         Charlie, Charlie so divine!
          Can't get you off my mind
            With your twirly vine!!
         And your leaves like a fan
           Your my kind of Green Man.
I just cannot wait to rush out and see you again....

                             Yzzy, 15 April, 2011

Creepingly Yours, Yzzy

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Charlie kinda tastes and smells like turnip greens with only a faint aftertaste of mint or camphor. Interesting. Had no up-in-your-face body reactions. Wild!!
Grrr!!! My phone's not ever going to let me get to my blog to post so i'll send a text. Started my 9 day Spring Tonic Fling with Charlie today. :) Yay.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

:) my buddy Rita calls G. hederacea "that annoying stuff that grows everywhere without having been invited?" lol. Do you have any lovely euphemisms for him?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OH NO!!! I don't have enough Charlie in my yard to do infusions now i harvested some for my journal cover dye. :( Oh well. I'll be hitting neighbors up. Lol.